

In a lecture on his States of Consciousness Diagram, Elmer Green maps out seven levels of consciousness/energy/matter. He explains their relationships to the brain, the unconscious mind, the egoic self, the High Self, and the planetary field of mind. Dr. Green refers to this diagram and its levels in all his other talks and in The Ozawkie Book of the Dead, thus the material in this lecture is necessary for understanding what he teaches.



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Beyond Biofeedback coverBeyond Biofeedback

Elmer and Alyce Green. (1977). Ft. Wayne, IN: Knoll Publishing Co. Out of print.

Enjoy reading this downloadable and searchable groundbreaking book.

In Beyond Biofeedback, Dr. Elmer and Alyce Green provide the psychophysiologic rationale for biofeedback, neurofeedback and beyond. They emphasize the role of volition in motivating psychophysiologic change, healing and personal growth. The Greens developed clinical biofeedback as a self-regulation skills based approach. They present the process of learning to quiet body, emotions, and thoughts, leading to intuitive awareness and spiritual transformation. They describe philosophical roots that led to fascinating research into unusual psychophysiologic control by yogis, brain-wave self-regulation and studies of creativity and reverie states. They take the reader “beyond” biofeedback to describe psychophysiologic abilities of adepts including Swami Rama and Jack Schwarz who, among other feats, pushed a large sail-maker’s needle through his bicep muscles without pain or normal bleeding. They propose a science in which mind and matter are not forever separate.


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The Seventeen Propositions are a set of proposed concepts for understanding the relationship between the psyche and the spirit, the process they undergo after death, the process of reincarnation, and the soul’s developmental process culminating in full enlightenment or graduation from “Earth School.” Separate recordings of approximately one hour each are devoted to each of the Propositions.

Proposition 1 – The soul or psyche is mortal, while the SOUL or spirit is immortal. 

Discussion of this Proposition includes that Alyce Green occasionally spoke during the late, non-verbal stages of her dementia, channeling her spirit which commented on Alyce’s spiritual journey or instructed Elmer as to how to manage her disorganized behavior. When ego boundaries are compromised, as in dementia and other states, there is potential for influence of dark forces on the soul.



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Proposition 2 – The SOUL focuses the light of spirit into the darkness of matter through a High Self, the soul’s “guardian angel.”



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Proposition 3 – The SOUL is our true self, though we may not be aware of its existence until the moment of death.


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Listen to Second Discussion:

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Proposition 4 – The mortal soul, often called the astral body, is what we normally identify with as “ourselves.” It is the conscious and subconscious amalgam of emotion and thought which makes decisions and conducts affairs in our daily life.



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Proposition 5 – The soul is a transient synthesis of two kinds of subtle matter, emotional substance and mental substance, and these substances are a real as physical substance though less dense.



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Proposition 6 – The “personality” is a transient synthesis of three kinds of matter – physical substance, emotional substance, and mental substance – body and soul.



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Proposition 7 – The High Self and the SOUL create the soul and its physical body. They remain associated with body and soul throughout the lifespan of the body and soul.



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Proposition 8 – After the personality’s loss of its physical body, its still-surviving self, the soul or astral body, finds itself in a domain called, in Tibet, the after-death bardo.



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Proposition 9 – The after-death bardo consists of many gradations (densities) of emotional and mental substance into which the soul “rises” like a balloon until it reaches that level in the Earth’s emotional-mental atmosphere which corresponds with the density or subtlety of its feelings and thoughts – conscious, subconscious, and superconscious – during its just-completed life on earth.



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Proposition 10 – In a more rarefied level of substance “above” the bardo, in a superconscious state called Heaven, the immortal SOUL has its abode.



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Proposition 11 – At the time of physical death, the soul, in a rare circumstance, consciously sees the SOUL as a Luminous Being, or as a White Light, from which love streams forth in blessing, benediction, and welcome.



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Proposition 12 – If the soul approaches and blends with the Light of the SOUL in full consciousness, that event signifies transfiguration, Unity with the Divine. Discussion includes what is necessary, in terms of spiritual development, for the soul to unite with the SOUL.



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Proposition 13 – If the soul has emotional/mental attachments, those attachments limit the “upward” progress of the soul. The soul then remains in the bardo until it becomes dissatisfied with its bardoexperience – until it yearns for the light. At that point the SOUL absorbs from the soul its mental and emotional refinements, the moral developments of its recent life, whatever is fit for Heaven.



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Proposition 14 – The process of absorption of mental and emotional refinements by the SOUL is followed by a second death – the death of the mortal soul – in which the SOUL’s last remaining connection with the previous personality is severed.



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Proposition 15 – The SOUL then empowers its High Self to assemble and cause to be born a new personality in which the tendencies and traits of the previous personality are leavened by whatever High Self/SOUL attributes and skills the previous personality developed.



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Proposition 16 – The development of High Self/SOUL attributes and skills in successive personalities and souls through repeated cycles on Earth and in the bardo, is the SOUL’s training program in Earth School.



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Proposition 17 – Graduation from Earth School comes when the SOUL’s final soul – fully conscious, free of attachments, transfigured, and fit for Heaven – merges with its Creator, the SOUL, and thus with The Father.



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